Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What is a princess?

Before I make any future posts about a Princess Lifestyle, I wanted to take a moment to explain exactly what being a princess is to me more than I did in my first blog post.

First, I'll explain what I believe being a princess doesn't mean. It doesn't mean being a spoiled brat, it doesn't necessarily mean being a Disney princess, it doesn't mean thinking you're better than other people and it certainly doesn't mean being selfish.

Here's what it does mean:

  • Having self-respect
  • Having respect for others
  • Being polite
  • Being confident
  • Caring about others
  • Knowing who you are
  • Serving others

Being a princess, to me, is having a certain mental attitude. It isn't in the clothes you wear or whether or not you live in a castle. In fact, it's mostly in how you treat other people that makes you a princess. A princess is meant to serve her people through her actions and her words, not for everyone else to serve her. That's why you can choose to be a princess no matter how other people may treat you.

I think the book/movie "A Little Princess" pretty much sums up my view of what being a princess means, it's definitely worth checking out. 

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